6 Reasons Why You Are Working Out but Not Losing Weight
1. Eating the Wrong Foods
A simple Google search or health guide makes it pretty clear exercise and diet go hand-in-hand. If you are working out but not losing weight, the problem may not be lying in the type of exercise, but the consumption of all the wrong foods. And while health experts like to advocate for all foods fitting into the diet, too many sugary, high-fat convenience and highly processed foods may be hindering your workouts. A well-balance diet incorporated whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean proteins and healthy fats on a day-to-day basis.
2. Overcompensating with Food
But even with consuming the right foods, you actually can be eating too much of it. Additionally, you may be overcompensating and validating foods following that workout. In fact, it really is not all too uncommon for individuals to be overestimating just how many calories were burned and consuming a greater intake of calories. Find suggestions on
what to eat following a workout here.
3. Not Eating Enough
Conversely, you may not be losing weight related to food deprivation. Although it may seem obvious reducing food intake leads to quicker weight loss, body essentially holds onto available stores when it feels robbed of food and nutrients. And while it may seem tricky to find nutritional balance, a natural deficit or equilibrium may follow when listening to hunger and satiety cues and consuming a well-balanced diet.
4. Avoiding the Weight Room
While regular cardio helps facilitate a caloric deficit, too much time on the elliptical and not enough in the weight room may be hindering your weight loss efforts. Strength and resistance training is recommended to lessen fat mass and support lean body mass, which can accelerate metabolism even when the body is at rest. In addition to resistance training, switching up exercise routines and simple tricks can facilitate a better workout.
5. Your Body Is Too Stressed
High stress levels may be antagonizing weight loss efforts, as an overwhelming presence of the stress hormone (known as cortisol) may be holding onto your unwanted weight. Additionally, high stress may cause that pretentious stress eating and curate an unpleasant, vicious cycle. Not sure if your body is too stressed? Here are six signs that may answer your question.
6. Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation continues to demonstrate negative consequences to health, weight being one of them. Inadequate sleep has shown to cause weight gain, or the inability to lose it, in multiple fashions. First off, research has shown too few hours of sleep may disturb effective hunger hormones, subsequently leading to heightened hunger, particularly with a stimulated appetite towards high-fat and sugar-laden foods. Additionally, sleepless nights may lead to exercise-less days related to plummeted energy.
It is important to recognize, though, health is not primarily dictated by the number on the scale. Rather than fixating on weight, also recognize how your clothes are fitting, any significant changes in mood, and the progress you continue to make! Remember, although reaching weight loss goals are admirable, health is an ongoing journey throughout all stages of life!