Unlike popular belief, losing weight is not just about eating less and moving more.
So, what works? Medical nutrition therapy for weight loss helps to provide a comprehensive process for moving forward, along with practical tips to implement each day.
Read on to discover the steps you’ll take with your dietitian during the nutrition care process, including medical nutrition therapy and weight loss interventions that work.
What Is Medical Nutrition Therapy?
Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is a type of diet counseling that dietitians and their supporting staff use to guide clients through the nutrition care process (NCP). While the two terms are often used interchangeably, MNT is technically a treatment provided as part of nutrition care, while the NCP describes the approach. The NCP involves four distinct steps, which will be detailed in the sections below.
In layman’s terms, as you work with a registered dietitian (RD), MNT is the journey you’ll be taken on to learn how to meet your nutritional needs. It’s not designed to be a quick fix but rather a comprehensive, high-quality process that gets to the root of the problem. Throughout MNT, you’ll learn to make better food choices while a credentialed expert helps to guide you to set realistic weight loss goals.
MNT is not intended to standardize everyone’s nutrition plan to a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it’s a standardized process designed to provide individualized care. For weight loss, the MNT can help you evaluate what you’re doing well, what areas need improvement, and any underlying issues you may need to resolve.
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Weight Loss: Overview
You can prepare for medical nutrition therapy for weight loss by familiarizing yourself with the following framework. Dietitians use a handy method to walk through the nutrition care process, affectionately referred to as the “ADIME” method. Although it technically includes four steps, the monitoring and evaluation steps have been separated here so you can explore them more thoroughly.
Whether you’ve sought a dietitian for weight loss or have been referred by another professional, you’ll start your journey with a dietitian by beginning a nutrition assessment. To help with your assessment, your dietitian may ask you to keep a food journal before your first appointment. Alternatively, they may simply ask what a typical meal or diet looks like for you.
This step of the process will probably be similar to your experience at a doctor’s office—you’ll likely be asked to fill out a few forms and answer a few questions on the following topics as they relate to your weight loss journey:
• Diet habits and history: such as a pattern of yo-yo dieting or disordered eating, or lifestyle habits like smoking
• Family history: such as if diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease run in the family
• Personal health history: any health conditions you are aware of (such as thyroid or hormone disorders, which can affect your ability to lose weight)
• Lab tests: any recent testing you’ve undergone or results you’ve received (such as a hemoglobin A1C test from your doctor)
• Measurements: such as weight, height, and body mass index (BMI), along with additional measurements like waist circumference or skinfold thickness
During this step, you can report any health issues you know about and express concerns about your weight loss experience. As you speak, the dietitian will be assessing your level of readiness to make changes, too. They may also ask your permission to do a nutrition-focused physical exam, a non-invasive exam that helps give the RD clues that can lead to a more accurate diagnosis.
The assessment period may only take a short time during your first appointment, especially if you’re healthy. However, suppose you’re working with a specialist or have a more intense health history. In that case, the assessment may take up most of the first or even a few appointments. It all depends on the practitioners, your wishes as a patient, and the structure and systems your healthcare team uses. Also, remember that this step is sometimes called the “assessment and reassessment” step since it’s often cycled back to as part of an ongoing process.
Next, the dietitian will analyze the data they’ve collected and the information you’ve shared to provide an accurate diagnosis. The RD may work with your primary care provider to confirm your diagnosis, depending on what the underlying problem is. The main nutrition problem is identified during this stage, along with potential causes, signs, and symptoms.
Nutrition diagnoses differ from medical diagnoses in that they specify a nutrition-related problem. While a dietitian’s diagnosis can give you clues about health conditions, they are more focused on the following areas:
• Intake: such as overeating compared to estimated needs
• Clinical nutrition: including nutritional problems relating to a medical condition (for example, difficulty losing weight due to PCOS-related insulin resistance)
• Behavior and environment: barriers to better nutrition, such as difficulty accessing healthy foods
The dietitian works hard behind the scenes during this step. They’ll connect complicated puzzle pieces, including signs and symptoms, to provide you with answers about the nutrition problem you’re having. As a result, you’ll leave this step with a specific problem outlined, setting you up for the next step— intervention.
Depending on the root cause, the dietitian will work with you to select a nutrition intervention. During this step, goals are formulated, and actions are determined. In other words, you’ll be co-creating a nutrition plan of action with your dietitian (instead of simply receiving a list of rules to follow). For weight loss, this will likely include clear steps outlining how to move from weight management to weight loss.
Sometimes the intervention will be relatively simple. For example, the dietitian may recommend specific advice during this step, such as, “drink water instead of other beverages sweetened with sugar” or “make healthier choices for snacks and dessert, and limit them to under 200 calories.” If you’re doing well on the nutrition front, the RD may refer you to an exercise specialist.
On the other hand, if weight loss needs are more serious, the dietitian may recommend several intense lifestyle changes. If you need bariatric surgery, a dietitian may also help you prepare for this step, although they’ll likely focus on changing eating patterns as the first line of defense.
Whether simple or severe, this step does double duty. The intervention can address the root cause while alleviating the signs and symptoms related to the diagnosis.
Monitoring comes next; as the name implies, your dietitian will monitor your progress. If the outcome of the intervention is desirable, they’ll likely tell you to keep up the good work. If not, you’ll work with the dietitian to adjust your approach until you find interventions that are the right fit.
Although it sounds like trial and error, the dietitian uses a targeted approach. Your RD will select specific indicators during this process so they know how close you’re getting to your goal.
The assessment, diagnosis, and intervention typically occur during the first appointment (or first few appointments). The monitoring and evaluation steps are akin to a “follow-up” at the doctor’s office and can occur as little or as often as necessary to make course corrections. The dietitian may ask for follow-up measurements or test results to ensure you’re moving in the right direction.
During this step, the dietitian may also provide further instructions if you’re having difficulty with the current intervention. For example, they may recommend frozen meals to help you meet your goals if you have trouble preparing homemade dishes.
Often occurring in tandem with monitoring, evaluation is the final step of the nutrition care process. Using the indicators decided upon during the monitoring step, the dietitian will determine if you’ve achieved your goals, are progressing toward planned initiatives, or need a new approach. With weight loss, this is often an ongoing process rather than an event since losing too much weight too quickly can be dangerous.
The nutrition care process is not necessarily linear, meaning that medical nutrition therapy may not end with the evaluation step. Instead, it may require additional interactions or appointments with your dietitian, where reassessment, re-diagnosis, and modifications in your plan may occur.
As mentioned above, this is intended to be a collaborative process where you will have a say in achieving realistic weight loss goals.
Maintaining MNT for Weight Loss
According to research, MNT is an effective way to improve weight for overweight and obese individuals. It may also assist in enhancing related health markers, such as BMI, waist circumference, and cholesterol.
You may want to continue to meet with the RD periodically depending on your goals, and may want to revisit if other health problems or concerns crop up. However, medical nutrition therapy works best when steps are taken outside the dietitian’s office to sustain progress.
The “all talk and no action” approach won’t work for weight loss—the interventions you agree on with your dietitian will need to be implemented in your real life at home.
Does Insurance Cover MNT for Weight Loss?
Whether or not MNT will be covered by insurance depends upon the dietitian you decide to see and your insurance company. Typically, dietitians in a hospital setting can work with the hospital to see what your insurance covers.
Private practice dietitians may take certain types of insurance, so it’s always worth asking. Like at the doctor’s office, you may have to work with billing personnel to submit specific codes and claims for services provided.
Medical Nutrition Therapy for Weight Loss: Final Thoughts
Adjusting your diet is a crucial part of any weight loss journey. A dietitian can help walk you through the nutrition care process and provide a diet-related diagnosis, which is part of medical nutrition therapy.
From assessment to evaluation to reassessment, the dietitian can listen to concerns and help get you closer to your weight loss goals.