For David, bistroMD was the lifestyle change he needed to lose 280 lbs and re-gain his life back.

Live your best, healthiest life with bistroMD!
Let the bistroMD dietitians create a perfectly balanced weekly menu for you. In your MybistroMD account, you're in full control to choose meals, set menu preferences, and manage weekly deliveries. Contact the dietitian team for more personalized support. Connect with others in the exclusive bistroMD community right in the palm of your hand. All included in your bistroMD subscription.
Highlights from David's Journey

Creating New Healthy Habits

“I started the bistroMD Heart Healthy plan and transitioned from drinking mostly soda — to sparkling water — to flat water. I also started a fitness regimen comprised of at-home hybrid yoga/strength-training workouts to increase my physical activity and mobility.”
45lbsStaying Committed

“Since I started bistroMD a little over two months ago, I’ve lost over 45 lbs. and I’m excited! I’ve noticed my pain diminish and my endurance strengthen.”
100lbsReaching the 100 lbs Milestone

“TODAY is a great day. TODAY I have passed the 100lbs-down mark after starting bistroMD just over 5 months ago. Through this and a great exercise program, I have significantly decreased my lower back pain. I’m not stopping, and I’m excited to really have my life back.”
143lbsCelebrating Every Milestone

“It’s been 9 months since I started bistroMD and I’m currently down 143 lbs, 2-3 pants sizes and 2 shirt sizes.”

Enjoying the Journey

“Getting home after my first workout in a gym in over a year and finding out I have those bistroMD pork enchiladas for lunch… #iykyk”

280lbsLiving His Best, Healthy Life

“Last week was my two year anniversary with bistroMD and I’m feeling better than ever! I now find myself looking forward to activities that involve exercise. I also rediscovered my passion for biking. I signed up for several biking events and have successfully completed them. The previous me would never have done that. Before I lost this weight, I saw exercise as a chore that I had to do to lose weight. Now I see it as fun activities that I can do.”

“BistroMD has helped me regain my quality of life to a point where I feel even better than my younger years. I’m so grateful for the help their meal plans, dietitians, and member support group have given me to improve my health and reach my goals!”
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