Tips for Weight Control and Management
1. Say Goodbye to Diets
The concept of "dieting" tends to have negative strings attached, as diets often feel restrictive and dull. Dieting also tends to be short-term and poses the risk of weight regain when the diet has ended. And remember the question of "What is weight management?" Weight management is a long-term approach and includes the development of and adherence to healthy habits. So for weight maintenance to occur, one needs to say goodbye to diets and embrace the concept of a continuous, healthy lifestyle.
2. Keep Focused
While getting caught up in unforeseeable moments can occur in a busy society, it is also important to remain as focused as possible. Slip-ups certainly do arise, but not bouncing back can unwind all efforts. Also, focus on enjoyment rather than bringing most attention on perfection, as doing so can accelerate greater fulfillment of your journey!
3. Eat the Rainbow
ROYGBIV can be applied to much more than that blank canvas you painted in elementary school... Create meals that uses colors of the rainbow to ensure adequate nutrient intake.
• Red: apples, beets, peppers, rhubarb, strawberries, tomatoes, and watermelon
• Orange: carrots, mangoes, peaches, oranges, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes
• Yellow: bananas, corn, lemon, onion, pineapple, yellow squash
• Green: avocado, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, jalapenos kale, spinach
• Blue/Violet: blackberries, blueberries, eggplant, grapes, turnips
4. Watch Portion and Serving Sizes
Unfortunately, living in a "supersize me" world, portions have become quite distorted. And with many not knowing what a true portion size looks like, the risk of loading up the meal plate and overeating is heightened. But along with consuming quality foods, watch portion and serving sizes for weight maintenance. Take advantage of the Nutrition Facts label to identify portions and servings, using proper measuring tools and techniques as needed. Based on one portion, below describes basic examples of common food sources:
• A cup of dry cereal and ½ cup of pasta are about the size of a cupped hand.
• 3-ounces of meat is about the size of the palm of your hand.
• A 2-cup bowl of salad compares to two fists.
• One cup of milk or yogurt is the size of a fist.
• A tablespoon of peanut butter is similar to your thumb.
• String cheese (about 1 ½ ounces) is about the size of your pointer finger.
• A medium piece of fresh fruit is the size of a tennis bowl or one fist.
• High-fat foods, such as butter and mayonnaise, should be sized to the tip of your thumb.
5. Aerobic Exercise
Exercise is a vital component to weight management, along with overall good health. In fact, according to the Centers of Disease and Control (CDC), strong scientific evidence shows physical activity can help you maintain weight overtime. And while the amount needed varies from person to person, recommendations encourages at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to maintain weight. Aerobic exercises include brisk walking, jogging and running, hiking, swimming, biking, jumping rope, and any lawn work requiring extra exertion.
6. Strength Train
In addition to supporting aerobic and cardiovascular exercises, include strength and resistance training at least two times per week. Whether using body weight or added weight, strength training is extremely valuable for reducing body fat and cultivating lean body mass. And the more muscle you have, the faster the metabolism and greater weight loss and maintenance results. And even aside from the fate of weight, weight baring exercise supports bone health and can lessen the risk of osteoporosis later down the road.
7. Snack
Yes, snack! Trying to cut corners by eliminating snacks can pose consequences to your health. With good intention and awareness, snacking helps sustain energy levels, aids in weight management, and reduces the risk of chronic disease states associated with overweight and obesity. Snacks should be nutrient-dense and supply adequate portions of protein and fiber, with healthy options including Greek yogurt and blueberries, peanut butter and apple slices, hummus and carrot sticks, and cheese and whole grain crackers.
8. Find Support
Support acts as a synergist in achieving health goals and maintaining weight, as confiding in others and encircling with likeminded people can truly motivate you to stick to health goals. Seeking out professional guidance and support is also beneficial, and may include a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) for nutritional assistance. So whether simply calling a close friend, attending an external support group, or consulting with an RDN, plug-in to support and utilize a venting outlet throughout your entire weight loss and maintenance journey.
9. Reward Yourself
Remember, maintaining weight loss is hard work and takes great effort on your end. Recognize your consistency and determination and reward yourself for it to help keep you motivated towards goals, grant mental strength to carry on, and add a dynamic of fun and energy. Whenever you have reached personal goals, offer yourself non-food rewards, including a new jogging pants, headphones, or a mini trip or "you" day to relish in!
10. Manage Weight with bistroMD
Doctor-designed by Dr. Caroline Cederquist and scientifically proven, manage weight with bistroMD! Our team of chefs and dietitians transform the freshest ingredients into balanced meals and follows the supported approach for weight loss. All meals include 1,100 to 1,400 calories daily with 40 to 50 percent total caloric intake from lean, adequate protein, 20 to 25 percent of calories from healthy fats, and 30 and 35 percent from complex carbohydrates. So If trying to lose weight, it only takes a few weeks to see result; and if trying to maintain your weight, there is no better way than to eat good tasting, healthy food in the proper serving sizes! So rather than constantly struggling with diets and the annoyance of calorie counting, learn proper weight management with bistroMD!