1. Sugar
"A spoonful of sugar…" may actually just be making years on the timeline go down. Too much sugar can cause glycation, a process in which sugar molecules stick to DNA, and damage collagen and elastin. Along with recognizing "sugar" on the Ingredient label, stay cautious hidden sugar names, including high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sucrose, and fructose.
2. Candy
When it comes to candy, there really is no healthful route other than the concept of moderation. Consuming sugary candies not only supplies empty calories, but can accelerate the aging process along with weakening enamel.
3. Soda
Soda is carbonated liquid with a copious addition of sugar, and recommendations encourage men to consume no more than 38 grams of added sugar each day, while women should limit consumption to 25 grams. And considering the average 30 to 40 grams of added sugar soda generally contains, dismissing its intake and gravitating to hydrating water can fight against aging.
4. Energy Drinks
Compared to soda, energy drinks may not be much better. Energy drinks tend to be very sugary and acidic, which can damage the teeth's enamel and facilitate premature aging. If looking for an extra jolt, find energy in these nutritious foods.
5. Artificial Sweeteners
Though switching from sugar to artificial sweeteners would appear to boast health benefits, evolving research suggests otherwise. And while they may have their time and place, most nutrition experts encourage their consumption, including diet soda, to stay moderated for physical health and longevity.
6. Refined Carbs
Carbs primarily grant their poor reputation from refined carbohydrates, including white breads, pastas, cereals, and pastries. Unlike whole grains, refined carbs lack nutritional value, including limiting vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Diets inadequate in fiber have been suggested to increase C-reactive protein, a substance produced in the liver and shown to be responsive to inflammation. Additionally, such products often contain added sugar, which also displays inflammatory properties.
7. Trans Fats
The ban of trans fat really is no surprise considering the negative consequences they have on health. In fact, the American Heart Association encourages limiting trans fat to more than 2 grams daily, which equals approximately 20 calories and 2 potato chips. Trans fats are largely formed into a margarine and incorporated into a widespread of processed foods, including packaged pastries, cookies, and chips.
8. Fried Foods
While the rise of omega-3s in the health world continues to grow, you may be a little less familiar with its distant relative, or omega-6 fatty acids. But despite its namely unfamiliarity, people are more than likely consuming more omega-6s than they realize. Consuming a greater load of omega-6 sources, including corn oil, has been implied to induce inflammation.
9. Salt
Although sodium from salt is a critical electrolyte, too much of it may increase blood pressure and cause the body to retain water, causing the skin to look swollen and aged. General guidelines encourage healthy adults to consume no more than 2,300 milligrams a day, successfully doing so by consuming whole foods, ditching the salt shaker, and the use of flavorful herbs and spices.
10. Processed Meats
Processed meats consist of sausage, lunch meats, hot dogs, ham, bacon, and other forms. These products not only contain a significant amount of salt, but can trigger an inflammatory response and accelerate the aging process. In fact, recommendations suggest no more than one to two servings of processed meat per month, as their consumption has also recently been linked to cancer.
11. Charred Meat
Along with the type of meat itself, the way it is cooked and heated should be considered, too. While the charred, grill marks contributes to flavor, they may also be taking years off of life. High heat from grilling can create advanced glycation end products (AGEs), particularly when it comes to cooking them under high temperatures. The accumulation of AGEs can cause inflammation within the body.
12. Alcohol
Those regular Friday night outs may be zapping much more than your energy levels the next day, and may even be taking off precious years of healthy living. And while red wine is continuously touted for heart health, its counterpart (white wine) has shown to increase skin cancer risk. If you are to drink, general recommendations encourage men consume no more than two alcoholic servings per day while women are limited to one.