About 60 percent admit making New Year's resolutions. However, only about 8 percent are successful in achieving them!
Does this mean to completely give up on yearly goals? Absolutely not! It does, though, flag to restrategize how to make them stick.
Use these 5 simple tips to keep your 2024 resolution all year long and even years to come!
New Year's Resolution Ideas That ACTUALLY Work
Most New Year's resolutions fail but not this year! Meet and keep 2024 goals and resolutions with these simple steps and tips:
Tip #1: Develop an Action Plan
Tip #2: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Tip #3: Create SMART Goals
Tip #4: Make Your Resolution Known
Tip #5: Make Resolutions That Fit Into Your Lifestyle
So, now is the perfect time to grab a pen and paper and follow along! Below details step-by-step on how to implement these tips.
Tip 1: Develop an Action Plan
Setting lofty goals occurs with the best of intentions. However, such goals often do not bridge the gap between a starting point and when goals are reached. That "how" of the goal tends to get ignored, and for a valid reason.
Delving into the strategy surfaces the reality that the journey to success is not always easy, which can be discouraging. Finding the answer to how to reach our goals forces us to think about real, actionable, steps needed to make it possible. So to counter the fear of what lies ahead, a resolution plan is critical.
An action plan provides a framework from which we can act out our intentions, in whatever form they may take. Think about the small victories that will get you to where you want to be, step by step. Then, knock off each of these accomplishments one at a time. Eliminate the wide gap of uncertainty between ourselves and goals for the future.
Tip 2: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
"One bad meal will not make you gain weight, just as one good meal will not make you lose weight." This is an adage that applies to various New Year's resolutions even beyond weight loss. Because the reality of any resolution is it will not always go as planned.
So rather than sweating the small stuff, recognize there will be bumps in the road and that is normal! Successful people understand they will falter from time-to-time, and there is always an opportunity to get back on track. If thinking of life as one big possibility, each decision made is a chance to become exactly who you would like to be.
If overeaten at a given meal or throughout the day, you have a choice to make. What possibility will you make a reality? Will you beat yourself up about the "bad habit" and make further poor nutritional choices? Or will you acknowledge this mishap without shame, reaffirming your commitment to making better choices in the future?
If choosing the latter, you will be on your way to your weight loss (or any) goal in no time at all! This sort of mentality helps reduce stress while improving your life.
Tip #3: Create SMART Goals
Whether related to fitness goals, financial goals, and anything far and in between, goal setting can help one meet goals in the short and long run. As a basic guideline, create goals using the acronym "SMART" to achieve the greatest resolution success!
Generic goals may inhibit proper focus and needed efforts to achieve them. Specific goals should be clear and precise, aiming to answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why?
A measurable goal is essential to track progress and deadline setting, ultimately keeping you motivated throughout the process. A measurable goal may identify "how much?" and "how many?"
As previously mentioned, your goal should be attainable. Though goals should be challenging, they still should remain achievable. Answering, "How can I accomplish this goal?" can help identify resources and tools needed for its achievement. Strategizing achievable goals also surfaces potential barriers that may need to be overcome.
Goals should be realistic and within reason. Though big dreams are admirable, it is crucial to stay honest with yourself. Likewise, consider all abilities and commitments needed to acquire anticipated goals.
Goals need target dates and times to keep you progressively moving towards them. A set time frame helps one prioritize everyday responsibilities, keeping desired goals on the forefront. They can also assist in accomplishing day-to-day tasks that align with a longer-term target goal.
Consider these areas of improvement and corresponding SMART examples to create long-term goals:
Area of improvement: Skipping breakfast
SMART example #1: "I will prepare a high-protein breakfast each morning."
Area of improvement: Eating more veggies
SMART example #2: "I will try a new veggie at least 3 times each week."
Area of improvement: Ordering takeout for lunch
SMART example #3: "I will bring my lunch four days of the week by practicing meal prep."
Tip #4: Make Your Resolution Known
This New Year's resolution tip is simple, yet extremely effective. Share resolutions with friends, family members, and coworkers. Because in doing so, a few things can occur:
1. You may find that there are others who have set the same, or similar, goals. These people can help to hold you accountable and become the motivation needed to succeed at whatever set out to achieve.
2. When sharing intent with the world, we can no longer tuck it away in the deep recesses of our brains. Once it is out, we are much more likely to act out the steps necessary to be successful.
3. You may just inspire others by your actions. Having a support network can be encouraging in a two-way direction, as they may count on you just as you count on them. This can help one stop procrastinating, be motivating, and make just about anyone feel good!
Tip #5: Make Resolutions That Fit Into Your Lifestyle
With a little bit of effort and creativity, nearly any goal can be accomplished if given time. But that is the caveat... We do not all have an abundance of extra time.
Instead of letting time tick away, though, make resolutions fit into your lifestyle and act accordingly. For instance, one may be concerned about taking the time to prepare healthy meals and exercise. However, there are many opportunities to eat healthier and exercise more.
For instance, schedule one day a week to grocery shop and meal prep. Also, take advantage of a weight loss meal delivery service to keep stocked with balanced meals.
Regarding exercise, wake up 30 minutes early to tackle a workout. Grab a workout buddy to increase workout motivation and accountability. Having clothes laid out and breakfast and lunch prepped can also help expedite a busy morning!
There are also simple changes that can fit into any lifestyle, including:
• Taking the steps over the elevator
• Ordering water over a sugary drink
• Splitting an entree at restaurants
• Scaling back on dessert frequency
• Taking a walk instead of watching television
• Doing jumping jacks while the coffee is brewing
New Year's resolutions are successful when creating and making lasting healthy habits. And instead of waiting for a certain time of year to make goals, start now. Truly, small changes lead to big rewards and results!