Black seed oil has not only shown to benefit the body, but displays promising evidence. So what are these assuring black seeds and how may they be beneficial to your health? Find out more on the healthful uses here!
What Are Black Seeds?
Also known as a black cumin, black caraway, fennel flower, and Roman coriander in the English language, black seeds originate from the Nigella sativa plant. The annual flowering plant is native to south and southwest Asia and grows delicate flowers, coloring with blue and white petals. Within the flower contains follicles, each holding the recognized black seeds.
Black seeds, though, are not new to health scene. In fact, they have shown use in alternative medicine for more than 2,000 years and may have even been discovered in King Tut's tomb! Today, the oil demonstrates a culinary use in spiced dishes, largely in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. They are suggested to offer the flavors of onion, black pepper, and oregano, thus contributing a slightly bitter taste. The seeds also are a black pepper replacement, flavoring salads, curries, and soups. And like other seeds, those black seeds can be transformed into an extract or oil. Much to our advantage, as both black seed and black seed oil have shown evidence of a wide variety of health benefits.
Black Seed Oil Benefits
Black seed oil contains diverse compounds including fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, including linoleic acid and thymoquinone. Black seed and black seed oil uses stem from its nutritional content and have been studied and suggested for the following health conditions:
Additionally recognized as hay fever, dealing with allergies can be quite unpleasant. But research suggests the topical application of black seed oil is effective in breaking you free from allergy symptoms, including nasal itching and congestion, a runny noise, and sneezing.
Asthma is a respiratory condition in which the airways narrow and excess mucus is produced, ultimately making it difficult to breathe. Though black seed should not replace prescribed medications, research suggests black seed may be an effective asthma treatment. Primarily related to its anti-inflammatory properties, black seed has shown to reduce associated inflammation and lessen symptom severity.
Thymoquinone, a phytochemical found in black seed oil, shows renowned potential in the battle against cancer. Black seed oil is suggested to inhibit cancer cell activity and kill off certain types, including liver, melanoma, stomach, cervical, colon, and brain cancers. But despite the significant results displayed in animal studies, black seed oil in human, clinical trials are low in numbers. Black seed oil advocates strongly push for such research conduction to conquer this cancer fight once and for all.
Eczema is a general term that describes inflammation of the skin and is also known as dermatitis. Most types of eczema and dermatitis induces swelling and causes dry, itchy skin and rashes mostly on the face and extremities. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of black seed oil can offer liberation from eczema. Topically applying black seed oil is suggested to provide instant relief.
Heart Disease
Black seeds have shown to lower high blood pressure (known as hypertension) and reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Improved levels of both can ultimately reduce the risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The syndrome includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar or glucose, excess fat around the waist (waist circumference), and abnormal cholesterol levels. Black seed oil use has shown to normalize and healthify associated risk factors of metabolic syndrome, including high blood pressure and cholesterol (mentioned above) and improved blood sugars and lipid levels, largely researched in menopausal women.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Also recognized as RA, this autoimmune disorder causes inflammation to the joints, causing swelling and pain and possibly reducing quality of life. The Nigella Sativa plant has shown to decrease swelling and morning stiffness of the affected joints, implying its use as an applicable treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Additional, potentially effective black seed oil use has been suggested to reduce or treat seizures, drug withdrawals, sore throats, headaches, and acne. Women have also suggested its use as an applicable method of birth control and to treat menstrual-related disorders.
Alsamaria AM, Abdulsatar M, Ahmed Alobaidi AH. Evaluation of topical black seed oil in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Anti-inflammatory & Anti-allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2014 Mar;13(1):75-82.
Black Seed. WebMD. Available at: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-901-black%20seed.aspx?activeingredientid=901&activeingredientname=black%20seed.