Shipping & Delivery

Where do you deliver?

We deliver to the continental US (we dont currently deliver to HI or AK). From the time FedEx picks up your order, it can take up to 6 business days to arrive based on the ground delivery time from our fulfillment center.

How much does shipping cost?

Our standard shipping rate is $19.95.

Typically your order will take a few days after the customization deadline to show up at your doorstep. Once we pass your box off to FedEx, you will receive an email with tracking information.

Why cant I get my meals delivered on a certain day of the week?

We are always working to better the overall experience for our members, but currently to insure the most consistent meal preparation and delivery, we are constrained to a strict schedule.

We hope to update this in the future, but until we can guarantee consistency, we will be sticking to a proven method of delivery.

Who will be delivering my meals?

FedEx handles all of our deliveries and you will receive an email confirmation once your order has shipped. You can also receive updates about your delivery if you are excited as we are about getting those meals to your door!

What time of day will my meals arrive?

The time of day for delivery may vary depending on the day and your location. To keep you best informed on your delivery, we provide text and call updates through FedEx.

Can I have my meals sent to a new address when Im traveling?

Yes, our customer service team is happy to assist you in setting up a temporary shipping address for the duration of your travels! To best assist you, please let us know at least one week in advance of your travel dates to ensure we have enough time to update the shipping information with FedEx.

How do I change my shipping address?

Please contact our customer service team to change your shipping address. Also, please allow 1-2 business days for the changes to be reflected on your account.


How can I track my order?

You should receive a tracking number for your order via email once it ships, typically within 2-3 days. Orders are typically picked up by FedEx Monday through Thursday and delivered Wednesday through Saturday each week.