From relishing in food or running to music, people manage stress through various outlets. But reducing stress can not only be found from external sources but maybe conquered within.
Find out how to lower stress with simple mindfulness and meditation techniques!
Stress Relief With Mindfulness
Mindfulness-based stress reduction is a program aimed to teach people how to lower stress. The program teaches the process of becoming fully present and aware, i.e. fully conscious.
Routine mindfulness meditation helps the practitioner become more in control of his or her life by fostering peace within oneself. This even serves true during times of stress, pain, and illness. The skill promotes detached awareness of personal surroundings, thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.
When practicing mindfulness, complete attention is directed towards one thing; an image, a word, or a mantra. During the focused observation, emotions become loosened and associations slowly dissipate. Because when allowing past events linger or resurface, unnecessary stress and anxiety can emerge. This can lessen the ability to experience life fully.
Being 'mindful' is a subjective, personal moment and training for even 20 to 30 daily can cause a bleed-through effect. This means dulling worry, reducing stress, and encouraging a light, joyful heart during the rest of your day.
Collected research over the past 35 years continues to link various physical and mental health benefits to mindfulness meditation practices. This makes sense as may health disorders, ranging from high blood pressure to autoimmune disease, have been associated with chronic stress.
Specifically, research shows mindfulness techniques can increase subjective sense of well-being and improve behavioral dysregulation. Participants may experience reductions in psychological symptoms and emotional reactivity, too.
Dozens of individual studies have further been re-analyzed and grouped into larger database reviews. Even despite some noted limitations, these analyses show mindfulness techniques are clinically beneficial for stress management in healthy individuals. Patients suffering from chronic disease may experience an improved quality of life and better health outcomes as well.
8 Tips to Reduce Stress With Mindfulness
While the benefits of mindfulness continue to flourish and solidify, they can only exist if able to personally implement the skill.
Use these 8 tips to relieve stress with mindfulness and cultivate mindful thoughts regularly.
1. Develop Concentration
Especially if new to mindfulness, focus all attention on developing concentration. The more practice you put into it, the greater the ability to recognize when the mind starts to wander. You can then start bringing the mind back to the present moment.
2. Practice Breathing
Deep breathing is imperative to quiet the mind. In the beginning, practice mindful breathing for at least 20 minutes, focusing on the inhale and exhale of each breath.
3. Slow Down
In such a busy society, we learn to react and move in a quick fashion. However, it is important to slow down speed and breath in various environments. Practice doing so while heading to work, waiting for an appointment, or eating lunch.
4. Be Patient
Patience truly can be a virtue, especially when it comes to being mindful. Be patient with yourself and the process to naturally increase mindfulness and awareness.
5. Let Go of Control
It is important to recognize some situations are out of our personal power. So rather than dwelling on past situations, let go of control and focus on present moments. Aim to reframe them into positive situations as well.
6. Sit Alone
Sitting and being alone allows people to focus more on themselves, rather than becoming sidetracked by others. Individuals should try to sit down in a quiet area as much as possible, free of distractions for a clearer mind. And along with sitting alone, turn off the phone and other electronics to disconnect from external stimuli and stressors.
7. Be Easy on Yourself
Being attentive is an ongoing skill and takes time to fully control the mind. It is important to be easy on yourself, as recurring negative thoughts can counteract the effects of being mindful.
8. Enjoy the Ride
Drive to a mindful life, focusing less attention on paths behind you and the cross-sections and detours ahead. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!