MybistroMD Subscription

How do I cancel a subscription?

Skip Week

We understand things come up, so we make it easy to skip weeks in your subscription. Once you’re signed in, click on the “Delivery Schedule” in the top navigation. Scroll down to the week you want to skip and click the Skip button.

The deadline to skip can be found on your dashboard under "Next Order". This will typically be a few days prior to the estimated delivery at 11:59PM Eastern Time. Check your dashboard for exact times.


Cancel Plan

If you decide you’d like to cancel your subscription, please log into your mybistroMD account, click the “Manage Plan” menu option in the top navigation bar, and then click Update Plan.

Here you can make requests to change your plan, or scroll down to find the cancel subscription link on the left side. You’ll have a chance to give us some feedback and then click Cancel Program to finalize the process.

If there’s any way we can help before you cancel, contact us. Either way, it’s easy to come back and reactivate your account whenever you’re ready.

Our cancelation deadline is the same as the deadline to skip and customize, which can be found on your dashboard under "Next Order". This is typically a few days prior to the estimated delivery at 11:59PM Eastern Time.


What is the weekly deadline for changing my next order?

In order to have enough time to cook your meals, we ask that all customization is done by Wednesday at 5PM eastern time the week before your scheduled delivery.

How do I change the number of meals in my plan?

If you'd like to update your subscription, please log into your mybistroMD account, click on the 'Manage Plan' menu option in the top navigation bar, and then select 'Update Plan.'


How do I reactivate my subscription?

If you have put your program on hold, meals will be delivered again as soon as the hold period you’ve selected is over. You can unskip weeks by going to the deliveries tab in your mybistomd dashboard.

If you are looking to reactivate your subscription after it was canceled;

  1. Log into
  2. Go to “My Account” and click “Update Plan
  3. From here you can reactivate your plan, just be sure to keep an eye on your menu customization deadline.

How do I change my log-in information?

When logging into your portal, click the 'Forgot Password' link. To reset your password, navigate to 'Manage Plan' in your portal, then select 'Update Plan' and click on the 'Reset Password' arrow. It will prompt you to enter your email so that we can send you a password reset email.

How can I confirm my subscription is canceled?

Depending on when you cancel can impact if you may receive food the next week, but we make it easy to see if your subscription is canceled.

Login to your mybistroMD account, and navigate to My Menu and Weekly Menu.

If your subscription is canceled, you should see this message:

If you have any other concerns, feel free to reach out to customer service!

What can I expect with bistroMD?

With your busy life, it can be difficult to find balance. You can expect from your bistroMD program:
  • Reoccurring, weekly meal plan with the proper macronutrients for efficient fat burning
  • Dietitian support (individual and group sessions available)
  • Weekly Wellness updates from the M.D., Dietitian, Trainer, & Foodie
  • Fresh, flash-frozen food that you can heat, eat, and enjoy
  • Weekly delivery to your door
  • Weight loss in three stages

How do I start my program?

As you eagerly await your first dellivery, we recommend creating freezer space. Once you receive your order, unpack and organize each day's meals in your freezer, placing them from back to front. Keep all meals frozen until 24 hours before use.

The night before, transfer the meals for the upcoming day to the refrigerator for thawing, ensuring more even reheating. Refer to the provided instructions for cooking guidance. Most meals can be microwaved in under 5 minutes, and our meal trays are microwave-safe and BPA-free.

Enjoy all prescribed meals and snacks to ensure you're keeping your body fueled and nourished. Please reach out to our dietitian team at if you have any questions at all.

Stay mindful of the deadlines for customizing your menu, making changes, or placing your plan on hold.

Do you have recipes I can try on my night(s) off of the program?

We sure do! Our dietitians regularly publish content every week on a wide range of topics. Check our health library for healthy recipes you can make. The health library also has dining out and grocery shopping tips. Healthy, sustainable weight loss is all about choices so we do our best to make it easy

Do I have breaks from the program?

Yes, with both our 5 and 7 day plans there are breaks in the program.

Our 7 day program members get a “My Night” or free meal each week as a structured break from the program.

We also make it easy to skip weeks if you need to take a break for vacation or any other reason!

How do I skip a week?

We understand life happens, so we make skipping weeks in your subscription easy! If you need to skip a week, simply log into your mybistroMD account then click “Delivery Schedule” in the top navigation bar. Scroll down the weeks you need to skip then click the “Skip” button.

How do I change my delivery address?

In your portal, navigate to 'Manage Plan' and then 'Update Plan.' You will find your shipping and billing address listed, and you can click on this box to access a link for updating your shipping address.