On The Table

A collection of knowledge-based articles to inspire overall wellness.

Dread the Scale? 4 Reasons You Can Skip Weighing Yourself

The scale does offer accountability and motivation, though always stepping on it may be doing more damage than good. Learn how ditching the scale can actually be to your benefit.

Dread the Scale? 4 Reasons You Can Skip Weighing Yourself

Do you step on the scale each morning wondering, "How much do I weigh?" What about after each meal, before bed, and any other chance you can throughout the day?

The scale can offer accountability and motivation during your weight loss journey. However, always stepping on it may be doing more damage than good.

So if you dread the scale, find comfort in knowing you can reap some major benefits of not weighing yourself. These including reducing anxiety and inheriting unleashed freedom!

4 Reasons to Stop Weighing Yourself

First off, it is important to verify the scale can be beneficial. In fact, research published in Circulation suggests self-weighing behavior was linked to healthy weight change.

However, obsessing over the scale can trigger unhealthy relationships and perceptions of food, your body, and health in general. But by dismissing the scale, you are likely to reap the following benefits:

1. Senses can be heightened.

Instead of fixating on a specific weight goal, step off the scale to switch on other senses.

You are more likely to tune into feelings of hunger and satiety. An open and positive perception of health is likely to flourish, too.

2. Anxiety may be reduced.

Each time you step on the scale may provoke extreme anxiety. This can especially serve true if you have a goal or set number in mind.

But really, you are likely only fueling your anxiety more. It may also start dictating the theme of the day ahead.

Ending the obsession of needing to check your weight can reduce or completely terminate anxiety caused by stepping on the scale.

3. Freedom can be unleashed.

Rather than feeling confined to the numbers, break the heavy chains from the scale to unleash boundless freedom.

You will start to feel more confident and motivated to continue your health journey, yes. But also inspired to break out of comfort zones in other aspects of life!

(Skydiving, anyone?)

4. Attention to other health parameters will likely be deepened.

First off, weight naturally ebbs and flows throughout the day based on many factors such as hydration status and bathroom patterns. That being said, the scale does not always show actual changes in body fat percentage.

Besides, health is much more than the number on the scale. It can be sized by taking body measurements, blood lipid levels, and simply a sense of overall well being.

Speaking of... Read on and learn how to measure these parameters!

How to Weigh Yourself Without a Scale

Now you may be wondering how to track progress without a scale. But there are certainly other methods to measure weight and health!

When joining the "no-scale club," validate your progress with:

1. Body Measurements

The scale is not an actual depiction on true fat loss. Besides, fat may be displaced with muscle throughout when losing weight. Body mass index (BMI) calculated from a scale weight is also not the best measurement for health.

Body mass index is derived using height and weight and applies to adult males and females. That being said, BMI does not consider gender and body composition such as muscle versus fat mass.

Taking body measurements, including waist circumference, is helpful for knowing "How much should I weigh?" They can also be a more accurate depiction of overall health than scale weight and BMI. In fact, waist circumference is a stronger predictor of heart disease and diabetes than BMI.

Other measurements may include of biceps, hips, and thighs. Take these measurements monthly for tracking purposes.

2. Clothing

With body changes occurring, your clothes may be fitting a little differently but all for the better.

Take notice and embrace the ways your favorite pair of jeans feel, relishing on the progress and igniting your inner confidence.

3. Progress Pictures

Rather than allowing numbers dictate the perception of progress, let a picture tell a thousand words. Taking progress pictures allows you to visualize body changes throughout the entire process.

When taking pictures, stay consistent with the lighting, what you wear, and timings of the day. Also, write down how you feel on the pictures and reflect on just how far you have come!

4. Energy Levels

Making healthy lifestyle changes can lead to heightened energy levels. These may include consuming a perfectly balanced diet, increasing water intake, and exercising more.

The combination of all can further improved sleep cycles and lower fatigue throughout the day.

5. Self-Worth and Confidence

Instead of basing worth on physical body weight, learn to love yourself and all the things you are capable of doing.

Start relishing on the process and moments, overcoming hurdles with strength and celebrating victories of all sizes. Besides, confidence never goes out of style!