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  5. What else can I eat on bistroMD?

What else can I eat on bistroMD?

While you can supplement with additional nutritious foods, it is essential that you are eating all prescribed bistroMD meals and snacks. This is because your bistroMD plan is created to ensure you are receiving adequate amounts of protein and calories to fuel your metabolism best.

Outside of your bistroMD meals and snacks, you can add healthy foods such as:

· Non-starchy vegetables (choose generously and caution with calorie-dense additions like dressings and dips)

· One serving of fruit each day (always pair with a protein snack/meal to keep blood sugar stable)

· 8 ounces of low-fat milk

Please note if eating all recommended meals and snacks and adding foods based on hunger, please reach out to Sara the RD at dietitian@bistromd.com. We do not want you to feel hungry on your personalized bistroMD plan.

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